Monday, March 28, 2011

Accident prone

{accident prone}

Sweet Pea.....
You are already so much like your daddy.
You have his jaw line, his lips, one of his dimples, his brain, his wide feet, his cute booty ( I know...ewww), his stubbornness, his "I can do it myself" attitude, his temper, and his energy level which seems to be on "high" everyday.
Which lately has been having me call you
"accident prone".

I swear you run almost everywhere you go.
Not paying attention you run into things...a lot.
I think everyday last week you "bonked" something.

You have a scrape on your knee, from running down the drive way and falling. (you didn't cry)
You cut your lip at the park climbing up the slide. (this time you did cry, I might have even a bit).
You fell on your head at Pottery by you and got a bump (you were ready to leave after that).
You stubbed your toe on the chair in the kitchen and you got more angry than sad. (that you get from me)
I feel bad thinking about all the "bonks" you have.
I feel grateful there just "bonks".


I fear this is just the beginning.

Your Aunties say all the time..
"she isn't afraid of anything, your going to have your hand full".
I'm trying to prepare for this....the "handful"

It makes me think of your daddy's childhood.
He was also "accident prone".
They joke Daddy have 9 lives.
Some day we will tell you all the stories about Daddy as a little boy and how he had some scary times.

I pray you don't have any of those scary times.
I'm trying to teach you how to SLOW down.
Not to run everywhere.
To be SCARED of certain things (respectfully so).
To look at situations before you jump head first. (especially into water since you can't swim yet).
then I fear I'm taking you away from you.
So, I'm treading water.
Learning what and how I can help you be safe with out making you go against what's totally natural to you.
Without making you fear things you shouldn't fear even though Mama does.
I promise you I won't do anything that will ever jeopardize you, your personality, your love for life.
I also promise to protect you and teach you everything I can so that you can be safe and make smart choices.
I'm shooting for the LEAST amount of "bonks".
So you do NOT share the joke about having 9 lives.
So you don't give mama a heart attack.
So you can be you with a little less Daddy and a little more Mommy.
Sound good?
Love you ALWAYS and FOREVER.

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