Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Passy send off.

{passy send off}

May 19, 2011 we sent the passy"s to the baby angels.
I knew when she turned two it was time.
But, vacation and her getting sick were my excuses to hold off.....(it's not like I held off that long.....she's only 2 and one month old).
I really knew it was time when I took her to her first dentist visit the day before!
She said her teeth looked great (and patted me on the back for noticing a dark spot on one of her molars) which turned out the be nothing just dis coloration....but she said the passy needs to go. It causing  more harm then good now that her teeth are fully grown in...and I knew she would say that.....because her bite reveals that she is for sure a passy girl!
So as I left the dentist I started thinking and explaining to P that today was her last day with her passy....that she better suck on it all she wants because come tomorrow they were all going to be gone.
I wasn't just going to take them!!
I refuse to be the bad guy!

So we went home...napped....and when she woke....we headed to the balloon store!
I let P pick out as many balloons as she wanted and whatever colors she wanted too (besides the giant toy story balloons because ewww)
she was so excited....we watched the lady blow and tie each one...and I don't think she stopped smiling (except to eat her mnm's I got her for her potty training treats).
We came home and collected all the pacifiers (I'm sure we will run into a few here and there considering we had about 20 of them).

She woke up the next day....and it was all about her passy send off!!
The snow wasn't going to stop us...and I knew we had to do it before tumbling...since after tumbling is lunch then naps.
So dad came home...and Nana Jackie came by...

We had P hold on tight since the wind was blowing and it was snowing. She was all dressed for tumbling and was excited to tell Mrs.Dorthy about her balloons.
I think we made it so important to hold on tight she was afraid to let them go! lol

She wanted daddy to hold them!!
We told her to get one last suck in......

and to our surprise she was ready!
She let go and jumped and scram as she watched them fly off....she stood on her tip toes laughing the whole time!

And when she couldn't see them anymore....she turned around to tell us all about it!!! Laughing sooo much.
It was so happy and fun....and no tears like I expected!!

She is so funny....telling Jackie all about it (like she wasn't there watching).
And then it was off to tumbling.
I was waiting for a melt down....
that never happened....
and almost a week later I am happy to report that we still have yet to see a "melt down".
She has only asked for it 2 or 3 times.....and only 1 of those times was she sad.
Her sleeping schedule has only changed in the fact that at nap time she talks for like 30 minutes before falling asleep, and wants you to stay in her room tickling her arms before bed (which Mark and I both love). So the passy send off = success.
Maybe she was ready.
Maybe we worry more than they do about these things.
Maybe making it a positive fun activity made it easier on her?
Either way....it's not near as hard as I thought it would be, the passy's are gone, and Mark and I are both proud parents.
Good job P...your our big girl now!!

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