Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

{happy new year}

Last night after realizing Mark and I have watched all our new movies I said...."well I'm going to go take a bath and then we can watch sex and the city 2". Well, he must not have liked that idea....he was out in the garage forever....and came back and said.."i picked a movie, I think you will like way better". To be honest I thought he was going to bring in American Pie...because it was the first movie together....and I thought ugh.....I don't know how to tell him I don't want to watch that without being rude....hmmmm......then it started....

Our wedding dvd.....(and I swear he is not normally romantic at ALL)
                                             So young
                                              in love
                                         and still today

So what better way to start a NEW year than watching your wedding video.......rejuvenates my soul.

I wake this morning to a tired love bug...who wasn't as into arts and crafts today but she did this...........

 And read a quote once that said "keep calm, carry on". Then I found this........

A good little inspiring saying....which I need to tell my self more.....
and that can be a part of my New Years resolution......
Keep Calm.
Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


{Valentines Day}

I think my love for Valentines Day started in 5th grade. I had just moved to Alaska and was the new girl in school. We had to do a essay and speech about a holiday. I didn't pick Valentines Day at first.....but since I was knew...I stood back and picked one of the last ones left.

I picked Valentines Day....

Now Im not that girl...
who's ever sat at home sad because I didnt have a Valentine
who's dreaded the day because I didn't have a boyfriend
or who ba hum bugs the whole day because I would rather act like I didn't care then actually be disapointed when I didn't get a rose delivered to my classroom

I am the girl who....
bought my friends who WERE sad a flower and posted it annonymus
never thought Valentines day needed to be celebrated only by "lovers"
would buy my own flowers just because there so pretty and all over the place this time of year
would be most excited by the flowers my Dad started sending to us as we got older
and the lunch date my mom and four sisters usually do ever year.

So, now that I have a little love bug at home....I of coarse am even more excited because I get to suprise her with love bug treats and fun!!

So far.................

Target: foam mailboxes with Sticker for Peyton to decorate it with!
And Below...Just a image that I LOVE and wanted to share.
An image the will be a yearly Valentine decoration.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Friends at work....

{loving your work}

Yesterday while I was leaving work I thought to myself....were those all appropriate conversations to have with "clients"?
My response after thinking about all three very"unsure" topics......
because there not just "clients" there friends....
then I also thought about how lucky I am...
that my work to me is.....
my girls night out
my "me" time
my comfort zone
my creative outlet

I love that while I'm working...I get to play catch up with friends, look and adore their new babies , get taught life lessons from more experienced friends (you like that?..I didn't say older friends!), tips on raising
children, this season I learned a lot of different traditions that people do for holiday's (I of coarse borrowed a few), but mostly I feel lucky that I have the ability to be picky...and I was...and I picked my clients carefully (and you all thought you were picking me) and I love and adore each one....and would call each a friend . I love that about MY work.

So my conversations....questionably inappropriate and I wouldn't have it any other way......
I'm an open book as many already ask, Ill tell, and Ill probably tell you too much?
And I have this relationship with EVERY friend who lets me work on them.....and you would never know because when they did our conversation!!! Our SECRETS!

On  another note.....Christmas is already over! It came and went too quickly.....besides New Years which I will probably sleep through Valentines Day is next...a silly little holiday to most...but I LOVE Valentines Day. The little decorations at Target, the red and pink everything, the fact that I have my very own little love bug to show and teach how to love with all that you have and all that you are......So, from here till then....LOVE

Friday, December 24, 2010

The night before Christmas


Christmas Eve....
Lavin family celebration: if your from Casper I'm sure you know a Lavin....
BIG family
almost ALL together under one roof a good way
dominos in one room
a man's table (you could ease drop from anyroom...that loud)
kid's opening gifts in another room
kids sleeping
LOTS of eathing
even MORE drinking
and the best part happened after everyone left......
a DANCE party....Poison playing....and a nephew who is not afraid to show you his moves.... Ill figure out how to post a video and show you!

Came home a little later than normal....I would have sat and chatted longer but my daughter was telling was time to litterally brining me my shoes....and saying "bye bye"

A suprise gift in the mail box...from the hubbs...a massage from my friend.....I will be calling her ASAP.

We celebrated Christmas early so we could celebrate with Mark....So, I can't help myself and put all the stocking stuffers back in P's stocking...(she won't know yet) and mostly because Im just bored.
P is sound asleep and I think thats where Im 9:30 on the night before Christmas........

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When your brain doesn't stop....

{when your ready for bed but your brain isn't}

Last Night.....
came to the couch after keeping Mark up too long.
couldn't stop the thoughts.
maybe because we played Santa early.
maybe because I drank a mnt dew at 9:30pm
maybe because this season is my MOST favorite time to give
and this year I got really inspired. The brain wants to keep "doing" but, the time is running out...Christmas is only 4 days away!

I also  thought how crazy it was that my little sister turned 22 yesterday.
I remember it like it was yesterday walking her into her first day of kindergarden. I was starting 5th grade at a new school, she had a pony tail, a jean skirt with black velvet trim, a white long sleeve tee with a velvet bow, a bow in her hair.
My little sisters are not so little anymore.
When the youngest turns 21 in April....I think were all heading for sin city!!
So weird...but not really...if you know us at all.
Were all SO different....But have SO much fun together.
I thought how at 22 I was married and starting my own family...Ive always been the mother hen type...the bossy one...the one who will tell them how it should be done....jeez....they still love me?....prob because Im also the one who helped them look so cute in highschool....I was reminded of that when my youngest sister walked in with my old jeans on!!! I once was a size one also BRITT....(when I was 22)....My old jeans with the pink silk lining inside...that showed when you rolled them to be capris I wore them with a bright yellow tank (how bold was I) Ah, she always loved my clothes and I loved for them to look sooo cute!
I love that we all have kept our own's so easy to get lost in a big group...
Thats prob what we all have in common:
CONFIDENCE....a good awarness of who WE are
a jelousy of our mothers body (who is smaller than all of us) (SICK)
and a uncoditional love for eachother DESPITE how different we all are.

So, I think its just the time of year...makes us think a lot. What are some new goals, what we want to change about our sleves, our homes, what we can do to be better, what we miss about our youth.....or maybe just I think these things....none the kept me up too late.

And what woke me so early?
A early Santa visit....since Daddy has to leave for work.....
Daddy got this neck massager from Santa...but, I think Peyton thinks it was ment for her......

So thats how random and crazy my mind is lately....
Work will hopefully get it on track...for today....thats where Im headed.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

{When life throw you lemons}

sometimes we make lemonade
sometimes we don't
and sometimes you just want to say F.YOU....lemons!!!

But, always remember....that when life isn't throwing YOU's throwing them to someone else....

I read a quote (on someones facebook page of coarse) and it goes a little something like this....

" Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle".

(To truely understand this quote...put it to the test. Why not? It only makes you a BETTER you).

I'm learning that when their battle is bigger than you can imagine and the lemon thrower seems to be throwing full force....and being kind seems.....well.....inadequate you step it up......BECAUSE...

you want to
they would
you love them
and you hate to see them batteling.

So, this Christmas.....think of the person you know...who's battle is worse than yours.....

Lift them up
Be there
and do what ever it is that your heart tells you to do.

mine is telling me to post these BRIGHT fun images I found in etsy....and a few other things..(that i won't share).

 because we share a love for the smae things!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Decembers Crafting

Last nights crafting sesh....
foam wreaths....hobby lobby
yarn.....hobby lobby
felt for flowers....hobby lobby

Spoiled by a friendship is the best spoiling!

{Being Spoiled}

Today I was suprised.....
Two packages
     ATTENTION: Shelby {sparkle mama} Hamrick:
         softening socks
         grace....bubble bath.
So, I'm sure you can guess what I'm about to go do!
Spa night!

Seriously smells amazing!
I was not only spoiled with these gifts but a friendship that I cherish and am so greatful for.
One of the most BEAUTIFUL people {inside and out}.
HONORED to be her {sparkle mama}.

Last nights crafts...since I figured out how to post pics.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



We share
we bake
we craft
we give
we do things that we should do all year round.....but we do them MOSTLY in December.

So, my goal this month was to do more....
Yesterday was baking.....I think I mess up every single time I bake...and I ALWAYS end up baking twice! I baked an almond cherry bread that I love...and as soon as I can figure out how to LINK I will share it....

Today I crafted....homemade wreaths....but lets be honest....I got flustered (not sure if thats a real word or spelled correctly for that matter) and sweet sweet Mark...wrapped the yarn ever so effortlessly!
I will post pics once I figure that out too....

Tonight....finishing wreaths....specail touches....going to test my patience...this is relazing to most people but, to me....a only makes me....lets call it......."tested"........

Pics/ come tomorrow.....

going to get some help with this blog soon....and I promise to share a sharer (im not sure if thats a word either....(hope your cathcing on to this problem of mine)).

I want it to obe set up when I share im not in

Sunday, December 12, 2010

There, there baby it's just textbook stuff it's in the ABC of growing up.......

Okay here it blog....for me, for friends, for family, mostly for my sweet Pea!!! (Peyton)

Im a wife, a friend, and my favorite role yet......(drumroll please)....a mama!!!
Im growing up.....

I hope to share fun stories, inspiring stories, pictures....but bare with me cause Im already LOST!!