Sunday, July 24, 2011




My younger sister posted this picture tonight.
It was at my birthday dinner this year.
I showed up in the in messy makeup
and he comes out in this.
I smile big.

On my 21st birthday he wore this exact number to my dinner at Bosco's. Then he came to sidelines and partied it up with me and my friend Nicole.....(I think we stopped before he wanted to).
Any way...on that day I stated this outfit he wore was my favorite on him!

So, this the good ol age of 27 he walks out....and I smile.
Everyone asked...why are you so dressed up? (we were eating dinner at my moms house with just the fam)
and he said "this is Shelby's favorite outfit". It is!! And I'm so glad Britt took a pic!
How sweet that he remembered. (even the prescription sun glasses;))
Next year I might dress up too....and make it an annual thing!
Love you DJR.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

{merry go round}

Our afternoon was spent watching P play her "gwitar" and since Justin Beiber, row row row your boat, and some fresh beat band song. (my LEAST favorite kid show of all times)

Then since the parade is over and she has been asking to go back to it since yesterday....we decided the fair would entertain her just as much as the parade!

She didn't like the merry go round like she thought she would. She held onto me so tight and I was shocked.
My little dare devil not so daring?

Could have guessed the car she was going to pick...
Pink convertible...just like her car parked in the garage...a glimpse of whats to come when we car shop?

Then since she was way under 42' I held her so they wouldn't notice....let her ride a third ride pa pa pa lease!!! strapped her in tight and vroom!!! She loved this ride....but when we asked her favorite? She replied...I want to go right my pink car again!

Fair food!!
Dad was all about corn dogs and lemonade.
That's about as fair food as we get.


And because we all know how clean that place is.....the clothes cam off at the back door and P went straight into the tub.
Her new thing?
To pretend to look for diving sticks.
I am anxious every time and surprised at how well she hold her breath!!
Today was filled with focus.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Focus on the family

{focus on the family}

We say this a lot at my mom's house. I swear each member of my family (sister, mom, dad, nieces, and nephews) all have some form of ADD. Some took meds for it...others never diagnosed. But positive we all have it!
So my mom takes her two fingers points them back and forth and your eyes and hers and says...."focus on the family".
Tonight I say it because....
it's perspective.

To know her is to love her. She is by far the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen in my entire life.
I remember taking this picture of her thinking her hair looks so long.  Her eyes so blue. Man has she changed.

the eyes now green...and the hair sun bleached more blond every day she still melts my heart like the day she was born.

I need to get more professional pic's of her. Mine just don't cut it. But it's how I see her....everyday....and because it's's perfect enough for me.

I look at this pic and realize how much her teeth have changed since the passy send off!  That was such a success for more reasons than one!

The temper has always been the same...and Edna says she comes by it honestly. I can say....I have found the way to talk her out of this fit thing before it starts.....that was short lived and I'm hoping it doesn't come to visit often:)

And this just reminds me of how silly she is. How she will do anything to make me laugh.

Tonight when I stay awake late...thinking about things people do that I wish they wouldn't, the way people talk but you've already quit listening, the way a persons word means nothing these days....negative thoughts....thoughts that can make a person....UN focused
 I think of my mom and how even though I make fun of her when she says "focus on the family" I find myself say myself.

She is my focus.
She is my family.