{bitter sweet}
It's been a great three years in our little home.
Little being the key word.
Just over 2,000 square feet but when you chop it up like this style of home it seems like a lot less....to me at least.
This house was our first together.
We brought P home to this "castle" as she calls it.
I'm the type of person who gets attached....hates change... and cringes at the thought of the un known.......
but...timing is right and things seem to be falling into place for us right now.
After talking to our friends who are Realtors here in town they assure us the person buying our home is a very lucky new home owner and it should sell fast.
The price is great and everything inside is new, nice, and updated.
We put a lot of work into this house.
So today we decided.....
it's time to DE clutter and put it on the market.
I hate the thought of moving.
Someone else living here.....I wished it were someone I knew so I could feel better about it....knowing how they would appreciate all we've done....
I will take Lot's of pictures for you P....to remember the home we brought you too....your first (and second) bedroom, your adorable toy room.
Why do we get so sentimental with houses?? It's so weird.
My friends mom always says...."you don't LOVE material things" and I think about that when I selfishly think about... "I will make sure the person buying this house knows how much money that floor cost...and how my husband spent long hours and I mean hours pulling staples out of the base of the floor so he could lay the ever so expensive tile we picked out". It's all materialistic.....I should have listened to my mother....so I wouldn't be so attached knowing we wouldn't live her forever. Trust me there are things I hate about this house too....so I'm not all sad....and if I keep in mind....it's all material.....and cross my fingers a nice young family will buy our house...and appreciate everything we have done to it....I might just free myself of an ulcer..
Things are really falling into place for us and it's our time....I hope it all goes as smooth as planned.