Thursday, March 31, 2011

The things she loves.

{the things she loves}

I figured I would write a few blogs just before Peyton's 2nd birthday so I can remember things about her being one.

Your almost two sugar!
While you were one....

You went to your first movie.
I was surprised when you sat still the first 35 minutes.
I got you a lemonade and a kid size popcorn.
This was the day you became obsessed with popcorn.

You grew most of your teeth this year.
They came so fast!
You have all but two of your two year molars.
Everyone says teething babies are a handful but Ill be honest I could never tell when you were.

You learned how to do a front roll and a bridge all by your self in your tumbling class!

You love singing.
Row, row, row your boat.
Twinkle twinkle.
Patty cake.
Your night time prayer.
Baby...Justin Beiber.

You can spell your name.
You know when your birthday is.

You have a strong opinion when I dress you.
I am not liking this!
Especially when you say you don't like the pants I got you.

You love to stickers, and coloring.
You can draw a circle and straight lines.

You don't like your hair in your face.
when you move it out of your's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Your best buddy is your dog Capone.
It breaks my heart thinking he won't live forever.
you love your "broder" as you call him.
I have lot's of video of you and him.
You rididng him, him calmly letting you.
You telling him in your ever so sweet small voice
"don't crynin pony, it ganna be okay baba".
You feed him every day, it's your only chore so far:)

You are so amazing and beautiful.
You are so polite!
I love when you tell people
"it nice to meet ya".

You LOVE swimming.
You LOVE swinging.
You LOVE ice cream cones and suckers.
You LOVE making me laugh.
You LOVE being naked.
You LOVE feeding Nanny and Papa's cows.
You LOVE Jacki's bless them every night at prayer time
"sosi, graci, lulu, baba, and charlie"
You LOVE playing with your cousins.
You LOVE life.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When people think they "know you.

{when people think they "know" you}

I always find it funny when you meet someone you have NEVER me say "nice to meet you" and they respond "oh, I know you".
You KNOW me?
You know who I am?

I always wonder what they think they know?
Because you really know NOTHING about a person until you actually meet them, have a conversation etc.

It's funny.
I live in my own little world.
Full of a couple hand fulls of great people.
I'm not against meeting new ones (people that is)
it's just I'm very grateful for the ones I have and am not missing anything (if that makes any sense).
I'm also not hesitant to drop people either.
I will and have cut people out of m life in a split second if I think their toxic and NO that doesn't make me heartless (because anyone who KNOWS me know my heart is huge) it makes me happy.

I figure to each their own.
You can think you "know" me.
You can get to know me.
I will give people the same respect.

I never say I " know" a person until I actually KNOW them.
It's only fair.

Lesson to Peyton.

Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and the others gold.
If there not silver or gold?
You will know.
You will feel it in your heart.
Always follow your heart.
Sometimes you won't and you will get disappointed in people.
That's okay too. Because it's all a lesson.
Never skip a chance on "knowing" a person.
Really KNOWING them P.
Make your own decisions.
Never base your feeling off of another person's feelings.
You might be missing out on a silver or even a gold.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All things summer.

{all things summer}

Trying to take a friends advice and posting some yummy finds on my blog.

I need to learn how to do a snap shot.
Type the site so you can just click the word and go
(a friend tried explaining in detail I'm just so bad with tech)

So..bare with me.

First I was on the hunt for a mom suit that wasn't so mom ish. I read a friends blog the other day and she mentions rocking the battle scars so she could take her babies to the pool. I also once thought how selfish of me....not to take P to the pool because I don't have the rockin bod I once had.
Over that!
With a little diet and exercise I'm on my way to the pool.
Since I'm not into the "mom" suit quite yet I found this little number that screams my name!!

Dare me to find a bikini?

These are some of the pretties cover ups from anthropologie.
My friend Val posted the white one before and I found it again today.
Anthropologie is one of my favorite shops.
I want my house to smell like the Volcano candle all summer long.
And it will.
I also want to wear this dress this summer

I love this little number.
Not sure what I would wear these with. But, I think my army leggings tucked in with a cream plain long tee would be just fine....and so me. Ill be honest though they would prob sit in my closet and collect dust. I am not a shoe person.

And who thinks summer with out lemonade?
(pottery barn)
I used to have lemonade stands all the time as a kid. I will help P with as many as she ever wants to do in your childhood.
How is this for adult fun?
I cute lemonade dispenser with the cutes jars I've ever seen.
I think my cupboards will be full of these and the cutest milk cup Val found and is picking up for me in Denver.

Let's think summer.
It might actually come.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Accident prone

{accident prone}

Sweet Pea.....
You are already so much like your daddy.
You have his jaw line, his lips, one of his dimples, his brain, his wide feet, his cute booty ( I know...ewww), his stubbornness, his "I can do it myself" attitude, his temper, and his energy level which seems to be on "high" everyday.
Which lately has been having me call you
"accident prone".

I swear you run almost everywhere you go.
Not paying attention you run into things...a lot.
I think everyday last week you "bonked" something.

You have a scrape on your knee, from running down the drive way and falling. (you didn't cry)
You cut your lip at the park climbing up the slide. (this time you did cry, I might have even a bit).
You fell on your head at Pottery by you and got a bump (you were ready to leave after that).
You stubbed your toe on the chair in the kitchen and you got more angry than sad. (that you get from me)
I feel bad thinking about all the "bonks" you have.
I feel grateful there just "bonks".


I fear this is just the beginning.

Your Aunties say all the time..
"she isn't afraid of anything, your going to have your hand full".
I'm trying to prepare for this....the "handful"

It makes me think of your daddy's childhood.
He was also "accident prone".
They joke Daddy have 9 lives.
Some day we will tell you all the stories about Daddy as a little boy and how he had some scary times.

I pray you don't have any of those scary times.
I'm trying to teach you how to SLOW down.
Not to run everywhere.
To be SCARED of certain things (respectfully so).
To look at situations before you jump head first. (especially into water since you can't swim yet).
then I fear I'm taking you away from you.
So, I'm treading water.
Learning what and how I can help you be safe with out making you go against what's totally natural to you.
Without making you fear things you shouldn't fear even though Mama does.
I promise you I won't do anything that will ever jeopardize you, your personality, your love for life.
I also promise to protect you and teach you everything I can so that you can be safe and make smart choices.
I'm shooting for the LEAST amount of "bonks".
So you do NOT share the joke about having 9 lives.
So you don't give mama a heart attack.
So you can be you with a little less Daddy and a little more Mommy.
Sound good?
Love you ALWAYS and FOREVER.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two for one

{two for one}

blogging again because...

I wanted to.
Te he

I was preparing dinner (marinating chicken and cutting veggies) and P wanted to be locked in her room.
I got nervous but I need to let her do her own thing more often.

Wasn't about to snap a picture of the rest of her room!! Every book on the floor etc....

I now am hiding Easter basket goodies in my room since my upstairs "extra" room has been declared as Peyton's "my other room". I can't help but admire the image of my little princess setting on my night stand.

That is a CD case, her disk came in.
Can't help but display's too cute!
She's too cute!

Some Easter decor for your eyes only :)

I marinated chicken breast and cut up some red peppers, mushrooms, and onions, tossed in some minced garlic, and if all goes well I'm going to put it over the chicken with a piece of melted cheese.
I'm not a cook so I'm nervous.
Wish me luck!



Yesterday I bought a candle from a local shop. Fields Creek 104.
It's the cutest little decoration.
And it smells like lemon cake.

(don't mind the image I'm NO photographer)
I put it on my book shelf, went to the park, came home and my entire living room smells of lemony, vanilla goodness!

While laying on the couch smelling this yummy smell I thought of other smells I love.

You could ask any one of my little sisters....
whenever they smell a vanilla car freshener they think of my (high school) red Toyota Tercel. It was used and I masked the old smell with like five tree's at a time.

I love the smell of baking. Makes me feel cozy.
The smell of a coffee shop.
Rush Cologne for men (they don't sell anymore)
but when I first met Mark he wore this and I can remember it perfectly.
The smell of Tommy Girl....reminds me of high school.
The smell of Eternity reminds me of my hippie sister.
The smell of and NEW perfume made by celebrities remind me of my little sisters....they all smell the same and wear Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton etc.....
The smell of Peyton. She smells so yummy to me...and most people can't smell her!!

I love how smells take you to a different place.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Today we took P to the park. It was such a beautiful day.
She hit her mouth and the park trip was short lived.
She wanted to come home
"i need prozen yogurt"
So, Mark and I cancelled our movie date to hang with P.
I felt bad for her, she was sad.

she ate a frozen yogurt and then off to the playroom.
She wanted to color...
I said "P, can you draw a circle"?

I'd say she can.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



The word of the day
gentle, manorly, curtious, dashing, fashionable, lively, dapper

P kept repeating this word all day....Mark had her copy the word of the day off of nik jr.....
yes she watches some tv...mainly Franklyn in the morning.
I decided I better know what debonair ment since we were saying it all day.

I would say Peyton looks debonair in her new MJ outfit:

To be honest she hated trying these on for me.
Mark is used to the drill
P is not.
The "drill" you ask?
Well, whenever we get new clothes...we come home...and we model! duh!
Some day P will love it...I hope.

Yesterday Daddy had the I swoop up P after work, and walk to the park...prooving to myself just how out of shape I really am.

I asked her to smile and this is what I got.
And I have 4 others just like it.
Only a mama appriciates a smile like that.

Tonight we took a drive out to the cabins to eat with Uncle Jason. I used to dread dinner at his house concidering its all wild game. He litterally tricked me a few years back and ever scence I got over it..and actually love the taste.
He tought me how to roast aparagus and it might be my new favorite veggie.......

what asparagus really makes me think of?
A little trip to home showing Mark a shade of green that I would love to use in my home someday....
He reads outloud...
I have never laughed so hard in my life.
Mr. Know's it all.
Read it
And because he tried to say he was joking
I NEVER let him live it down.
He laughs because he thinks I'm stupid for thinking he wasn't joking.
I laugh because I could tell...he wasn't joking.. at all....and because I know Mark....I know he wasn't.
And were both laughing now
and arguing weather or not he was joking.
He was NOT.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Road trip

{Road trip}

Tuesday night P and I packed our bags and headed south.
She wanted to feed cows again.
I wanted to shoe shop and visit a friend.

I used to get the worst anxiety when traveling south.
The further south the worse I got.
I would make myself sick jumping at every car speeding by, telling Mark to break every time I could tell traffic was slowing. I'm sure he wanted to duct tape my mouth shut many times. Backseat driver all the way!

I have gone alone several times over the last few years since I have close friends south.
This time....anxiety free. least the driving part.
I got there and thought....
I didn't jump once, I kept the music on, I sang, I danced with P and even looked back at her a few times to see her dancing.
Trust me I treated myself.
I treated P too!

The only anxiety I did get was from P.
I haven't ever taken her alone, south. She hates being in a stroller so shopping was no fun.
Bribing with ice cream only made matters worse.
Chocolate on a white dress.
Thankfully there were two size two's.

(gap kids)

She doesn't love being in a stroller and did I forget to mention we skipped her nap?
If you know us at all, you know I have probably NEVER skipped nap time. P loves her sleep. So, I felt bad. Bad for P, bad for the friends we were with, and bad for myself....because she was stressing me out!
Lesson learned.

I loved visiting Val.
A hostess like you would not believe.
Spoiled me rotten.
But my favorite part?
Listening to her talk.
Learning more about her.
Being real.
Stealing decorating ideas.
Being interrupted by my daughter who defiantly needs MORE interaction with other kids.
Loving on her daughter who is seriously the biggest snuggle bug I've ever met.
Listening to her son who is SO smart for a five year old.
He walked right up to me and introduced himself and said "let me show you something out in the garage".
A Jeep that he knew EVERYTHING about.

I've always been the girl who ditches the adults and hangs with the kids.....and for Peyton's sake I need to get over that...or have another to entertain her so I can be an adult.

Thank you Val for having us. For everything. For you. For this...

She knows me.
She knows P.
Got P a dolly that we somehow lost before we left.
A doll P named Dolly and keeps talking about. It's so cute. So unique and looks like P.  It's PERFECT too.
Ha ha...
Caeden (Val's son) told me I should give Peyton a new nick name....Scrunching his little nose he whispered..."P just sounds kinda gross".

I couldn't stop without visiting my Sarah Belle.
She is always working so we ate lunch.
And she is always spoiling so we walked out with this....

(Pier 1)
She knew that P stole MY pillow, so she got her a pillow of her own.

The drive home was so quiet.
P fell asleep instantly and didn't wake till we got to Wheatland to pick up Capone.
She was very happy to see him.

We drove home in time for dinner at my anxiety just a normal day....and spoiled more with this....

this sister also...has helped me the last two weeks try to snag a bamboletta.
Ill be honest and I think Ive said this before....these dolls are hard to get....and a rush if you ever try. Such a weird thing. But she was SPEEDY and snagged one up.....

After this weekend.....
lets just say....I'm done shopping!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things that make ya say hmmmm.


Today I get a text from my mom.
Can Peyton sleep over?

I responded quickly.
I will miss her too much.


Am I okay? Is something wrong with me?
Most people jump at that offer!
I'm just selfish with her.
I like having her all to myself.

Rocking while she drinks her milky.
She always asks me to make it hot!
We brush her teeth. She has a love/hate relationship with brushing.
(BTW I noticed 2 new molars today)
We say our prayers.
She always takes her passy out and says "sweet dreams, love you".

She hasn't had a sleepover yet and unless I go on a vacation and she isn't coming with....I don't see sleepovers in our future.
I know, I know....her poor grandparents!
Well all they have to do is book Mark and I a honeymoon and she's all theirs...for a weekend.
A deal is a deal and that's a deal I will make.

I've been called a helicopter mom since she was born and although I'm getting better....I still find nothing wrong with being a hover mother.

Ni Night P...Sweet Dreams.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Isn't it ironic

{Isn't it ironic}

When your so tired but you can't sleep.
I've never used the word ironic until today.
A barking dog yapping away has me lying in bed saying this is ironic. To be honest I'm not even sure I used it the right tense, and I really don't care.
It made me laugh and think of Alanis Morset.

I can't think of things to blog about lately. I guess it's because I feel like it will bore the people reading...but just reminded myself this is for me, Mark, and Peyton. (mostly)

For the last week P has been asking to go feed the cows hay with Papa. So, yesterday we drove down. The second we turned down the old Wheatland hwy Peyton said "mama we almost there". I laughed. She has such a sense of direction!
 Mark calls it "real world smarts".  He tells me all the time...babe your so smart...and I laugh...because scholastically I'm really not...then he says  I mean "real world smart".
He says I'm a great judge of character which I am.
I know people, I get people always have.
I never really tried in school.
I always got good grades through out A's, B's, the occasional C.
College came and it seemed like everyone talked about it and I never did. We never did at home really. I just don't remember it being important. So I stayed in Casper and went to CC. Took business management classes.
I did the classes I didn't have to study in. All the basics...fine....easy actually...
Business Law.....I liked.
Accounting.....I hated.
Pottery ( my easy A) wasn't so easy.
I'll be honest.
I was prob drunk still from the night before for most of these classes. Pre occupied because I cared more about working, making money, living on my own, and having fun then I ever did about college.
My parents were even paying! Stupid me!
I quit after two years.
I never had that childhood dream job.

So it's also ironic that I married someone who is VERY "book smart". Annoyingly so......he knows everything...and if he doesn't he finds out. Hence the nick name I gave him...."google".
He has 2 degree's, a semester of student teaching left for his third, and now debating....P.A school, or petroleum engineering?
The part that's so crazy to Mark could do either...with little effort in the "smarts" department.

With Mark being so smart I say he gets bored easily. I don't know if any job will ever satisfy him because once he knows everything about it....he wants to know more...and if there is not more to learn....he moves I'm hoping he find his passion.....something that fulfills him in that area in his life....

As for me? I've found mine.
My passion.
Peyton Reese Hamrick
Being a mom is what I was meant to be.
It's my passion, it's my job, it's what Ive ALWAYS wanted to be.
I feel lucky and blessed to be able be that for Peyton.
I didn't have to go to school to learn how to love her.
I did luckily go to school so I could learn how to fix her hair pretty.
I will be able to teach her my "street smarts".
How to love.
How to give.
How to be the best person she can be.
how to be okay with whoever it is she is.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Memory lane.

{Memory lane}

The last few weeks I have realized a lot about myself.
I hate talking about myself to be honest..most people do.
So this post is for me.
To come back to and remember.

It's funny when you smell something familiar how it can take you back to the very memory that made you remember that smell.

Words or sayings can do that very thing! I was texting a trunk keeper the other night and one of her responses was
It was like time froze and for 10 minutes I sat there and let a memory take over.
If I said it out loud it would sound like this
ten foe
(Shan and Myshell will get this only)
My eyes filled with tears which isn't unusual lately. I have always been sensitive but usually great at hiding emotions.
Ten four is something my dad said all the time to us.
It would make our blood boil. We couldn't ever get a straight answer just a ten foe.
Now it makes me laugh.

A memory triggered by a silly response.
So, I took a quick trip down memory lane and thought about the man who was my Dad, the man who is now a stranger I wouldn't recognize if I saw him, but I would his voice, the man in my childhood scrapbook that I wonder if I ever want to explain him to my daughter.
She has a papa. My Dad...he is my step dad but you would never hear me refer to him in that term. He is my dad. He raised me since 5th grade. He put up with me through my teenage years. He pretended to like my high school boyfriend. He partied with me the night I turned 21. He liked Mark from the day he met him. He walked me down the isle when I got married. He was at the hospital to meet Peyton, and HE is Peyton's Papa.
Peyton will grow up knowing nothing different and I think I like it that way. I like that she has a stable family and people she will always know and wont ever choose to leave her life.
How could you choose to leave your child's life?
Some people don't get a choice and their taken.
Some people choose.

So, ten foe  along with Garth Brooks (when the thunder rolls), ACDC (she gave me the queen, she gave me the king, she was wheeling and dealing just doing her thing), "ah, hey I hea ya", trigger the sound of his voice.
And take me down memory lane.

Shan and Myshell, did you take a trip?